Link to the March April link to read our last article. I wrote an article on Mel Gibson's film 'The passion of the Christ', currently showing in kenya of which I was lucky enough to get a ticket. I spent about an hour on it and the site and with one click of the mouse all my work was undone. Being in the evening perhaps I was not too alert and I didn't try various methods to retrieve it.

This time I don't think I will be able to re do it, but I was wondering why the Christian tradition went the way of the Roman Julian and Gregorian calendars. The Hebrew solar calendar may perhaps have been more ideal because it would have ensured that all religious holidays were as per the scriptures

Take freedom, day for example the 15th of Abib the day when the festival of unleavened bread begins. In my opinion that should be a day of greatest importance but I fear that it sometimes gets swallowed up in the days of the week by the Julian Calendar. As you may be aware 15 Abib is the day that Israel left Egypt and subsituted temporal power for spiritual power with the priesthood of Aaron.

It is also the day that the priesthood of Melchizedek was eternalised and renewed, Psalms 110, the day of the cruxifiction. When John the Baptist quotes Isaiah 40 he is probably talking for the whole priesthood of Aaron whose primary purpose was to make the way ready for the Messiah.

The first 15 Abib brought physical freedom the second spiritual freedom, freedom from sin. Spiritual freedom is a greater freedom for it ensures that you are free wherever you may be. I believe that this was instrumental in the rapid decolonisation of Africa and also aided Dr King in his efforts in America. His efforts I fear could be undone if his movement is taken over by people who imagine they can use their own intellect or power.

Freedom from sin also overcame Caesar and currently it has outlived him in Rome by two millenniums. I could go own and own but the important thing to note is that the most important battles are won through spiritual commitment and not by our own power. This is as true today as it was in Egyptian and Roman times.

15 Abib is also the day that Gibson's film is based though I beg to defer with him on choice of langauge. From the languages on the cross itself in the book of John and also events in the Acts I would imagine that Greek, Latin and Hebrew were the main langauges.

Coming back to the present and events taking place recently I often wonder if there is any connection between 15 Bul and 15 August perhaps a wise soul can enlighten me on that one.